Monday, November 07, 2005

Ruby on Rails with J2EE credibility

Coming from a J2EE background, this article, Ruby on Rails and J2EE: Is there room for both?, is perfect for me. It gives a high level comparison of the architectures of RoR vs J2EE applications. As somebody who intends to start using RoR and will need to convince some people that Rails is not just another web scripting trick of the week, this article will be useful. I can use the "Rails" side of the article to show how it works at a high level. This will head off the arguments that say it's not "real" enterprise class programming like J2EE.

The latest "Agile Web Development with Rails" gives a good treatment of many of the deployment issues with Rails apps. Combined with the above article, an architect can put together a systems architecture description that gives some credibility to Rails based applications in the workplace.

As an aside, according to Agile Web Development with Rails is #293 overall
and #6 in the Computers and Internet sales category. That's a little piece of ammo for those who say "we can't use Rails, nobody knows how to use it."


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